About products
Our products under the name Mr. Bacteria (bio-enzymatic cleaners) guarantee functionality and areĀ ideal for the protection of the entire waste system and grease traps. They keep the flows unscathed and in good condition, because they do not disturb the structure of the materials used in the production, as various chemicals (sulphates, chlorine ...) do. Another advantage is that they extend the life of the entire waste system, filters in treatment plants, containers, and other system equipment.
We have been producing bacterial preparations for over 12 years and therefore we know that the bacterial strength of the solution (or the number of bacteria that the product contains) is very important in the production of high-quality and really very effective bacterial mixtures. The higher the content of bacteria in the product, the higher its bacterial strength. For this reason, we also state the number of bacteria for each of our products! We honestly declare that our products contain a large number of bacteria, which help to effectively eliminate odours and organic waste!
Bacterial preparations are microbiologically harmless and contain in 1 gram approx.:
12.4 x 109 culturable bacteria
9.6 x 109 mesophilic bacteria
9.8 x 109 sporulating bacteria.
They do not contain coliform bacteria, faecal coliform bacteria, enterococci, fungi, and yeasts! 72% of bacteria have the ability to grow under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen). Bacterial enzymatic preparations are a mixture of selected natural bacterial cultures, enzymes and nutrients that strengthen and accelerate nature's own biodegradation processes. In the natural environment, bacteria as well as enzymes (these are non-living catalysts that break down macromolecules) play an important role in the process of cleavage and decomposition of organic matter.
Bacteria produce enzymes that are essential for the metabolism of a source of nutrients (in our case, organic waste) into the energy necessary for the further growth of a living organism. Enzymes are a tool in that phase of metabolism in which complex compounds are broken down more easily. This cleavage accelerates the process of converting the nutrient source into affordable and easily digestible doses for bacteria. In a relatively short time, after the introduction of specially selected bacteria into an aqueous medium containing organic waste, the bacterial spores begin to transit from a dormant to active state, producing specific enzymes and decomposing or consuming the organic waste present.
The applied microorganisms are capable of exponential growth (their number doubles approximately every thirty minutes). By-products of this bacterial enzyme activity are H2O and CO2.
Bacteria are the most widespread group of organisms in the world. They can be found in soil, water, air, on the surface and inside multicellular organisms. According to research, some species are even able to survive in space, or in a vacuum and at a temperature of -270 degrees Celsius. So-called sporulating bacteria form in their lifecycle spores, which are resistant inactive formations. Some bacteria (clostridia, bacilli) can form so-called endospores, which are particularly resistant spores formed inside the cell. In endospores, bacteria survive inhospitable conditions and later, under more favourable circumstances, they are able to germinate back into vegetative cells. Bacteria produce enzymes.
Enzymes are proteins, whether simple or complex, that act as catalysts for chemical reactions and at the same time determine the nature and rate of these reactions. The sum of all enzymatic reactions in which substances and energies are converted in cells and living organisms is called metabolism. One of the very important functions of enzymes, on which the life and growth of organisms directly depends, is the ability of various enzymes to fissure and break down various complex molecules into smaller chains that organisms are able to digest and thus become a source of energy for their further growth.
Bacterial-enzymatic mixtures
The term bacterial-enzymatic mixture refers to a concentrate of spores and endospores of specially selected and targeted strains of native soil bacteria which exhibit certain desired properties such as the ability to survive and multiply in a certain pH environment, the ability to increase production of a certain desired enzyme etc. The mixtures used by our company EXPORT TEAM s.r.o. are characterized by a high concentration of microorganisms. In some concentrates, it is up to 5 x 10 CFU / gram of mixture (CFU - colony forming unit). Individual mixtures, or their combinations, form the basis for the composition of final commercially used preparations, which are focused on the practical solution of certain specific problems such as degradation of fats in a certain environment, homogenization of manure, reduction of ammonia and odour in general, wastewater treatment, decomposition of excrement, making clogged pipes passable, etc. After introducing the mixture into an aqueous medium containing organic waste, the spores begin to revive in a short time, producing specific enzymes and eating the organic waste present. The applied microorganisms multiply exponentially (doubling every 20-30 minutes). By-products of this bacterial enzyme activity are H2O and CO2. It must be emphasized that all bacterial strains used in our bacterial-enzymatic mixtures are non-pathogenic strains and that they are always and exclusively natural strains of wild-type soil bacteria that have been selected for some particular ability. These strains are by no means genetically altered or modified.