Removing unpleasant odour from domestic WWTP?
Do you also know the typical smell of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) during a sudden change in weather or at higher outdoor temperatures? Do you have clogged filters, full chambers of organic waste, deposits, or sludge in the WWTP, which significantly reduce the filtration and sedimentation effect of the WWTP, and you often have to pay for maintenanceWe have a helping hand for youand your family house, cottage, or chalet with WWTP. The product Mr. Bacteria No. 2. Bio-enzymatic cleaner for your domestic WWTP from EXPORT TEAM s.r.o. It will help you remove odours and sludge from your wastewater treatment plant. With the products from EXPORT TEAM s.r.o., you do not have to pay for expensive maintenance of your wastewater treatment plantand subsequent disposal of organic waste!
Mr. Bacteria No. 2. Bio-enzymatic cleaner for your Domestic WWTP can be bought >>> HERE <<<
The Mr. Bacteria No. 2. Bio-enzymatic cleaner for your Home WWTP is a mixture of selected and specially grown strains of bacteria that decompose organic matter. When bacteria enter water containing organic waste, they become active, producing specific enzymes that can break down proteins, starch, carbohydrates, animal and vegetable fats, paper, and other organic waste materials. Bacteria bred in laboratories are fast and highly effective. By their action, they remove the odour and the whole source of odour. TheMr. Bacteria No. 2. Bio-enzymatic cleaner for your domestic WWTP reduces the accumulation of solid undesirable organic substances, sludge, and foam formation in the domestic wastewater treatment plant. Due to the action of bacteria, solid sludge and sediments turn towastewater.
How does it work?
It's very simple. Your home wastewater treatment plant contains a small number of bacteria that help break down organic waste. By adding our bacteria, you will increase the content of bacteria in your WWTP, and thus significantly speed up the decomposition of organic waste. 90% of organic waste (faeces) is made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, which occur in compounds in WWTP. These compounds constantly decompose bacteria into simpler and simpler substances until they eventually decompose them into water H2O and carbon dioxide CO2, where CO2 is released in the form of gas into the air and water H2O remains a WWTP.
Thus, our bacterial preparations directly and very effectively decompose the sources of odour, and thus remove odours from WWTP, including scabs, sludge, and foaming!
EXPORT TEAM s.r.o. supplies bacterial mixtures in powder form so that the bacteria can be preserved longer. Every product we offer from EXPORT TEAM s.r.o. is a 100% organic and natural product. It does not contain any harmful bacterial strains, acids, alkalis, phosphates, or other environmentally unsuitable substances.
Mr. Bacteria No. 2. Bio-enzymatic cleaner for your Domestic WWTP can be bought >>> HERE <<<
Bacterial force:
We have been selling bacterial preparations for more than 15 years and we know that the bacterial strength of the preparation (i.e. the number of bacteria that the product contains) is very important in the production of high-quality and really very effective bacterial mixtures.
We guarantee that our products contain an outsized number of bacteria, which help to eliminate the odour and organic waste very effectively!
Mr. Bacteria No. 2. Bio-enzymatic cleaner for your Domestic WWTP can be bought >>> HERE <<<
Mr. Bacteria products for your ECOlogically clean:
Mr. Bacteria No. 1-14 mark of quality
On our website you can buy products of the brand Mr. Bacteria under the designation of Mr. Bacteria No. 1-14. All products from Mr. Bacteria are made of the highest quality raw materials, which ensures their quality, high bacterial strength and functionality. Mr. Bacteria are tested by thousands of satisfied customers. Also try the quality and functionality of our products. We are happy for your satisfaction with the use of our products.
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Why Mr. Bacteria products
- Guarantee of product originality
- Made of the highest quality raw materials
- High bacterial concentration and efficacy
- All product range in stock
- Shipment of the order within 24 hours
- Thousands of happy customers